We loaded the bus and unfortunately Mary Henley slipped into to her "bus sick" mode, which shortly thereafter resulted in her filling up the little pink bag Meritt is holding in front of her! She is such a trooper though...she knows its coming, tears up a bit, and then let's it go. Maggie on the other hand, who we were told is also prone to "bus sickness" now really enjoys the rides!
First stop on the clinic visit itinerary was height and weight check. The girls are exactly the same height and Mary Henley weighs 17 kilos and Maggie 15.5 kilos (about 38 and 34 pounds, respectively). They wanted Meritt to join them on the scales...but she declined!
Next stop was the general physical...the girls checked out fine, except the physician in the picture suggested he still hears a slight murmur in each of their hearts. This was later confirmed by another attending physician. Neither of them felt it was anything significant...but, we will obviously have them examined once we get back to the states.Last stop TB Test!!! All day long we had been told this would be the worst as the girls would get stuck with the needle and everyone would be crying, and flopping on the floor, and gnashing of teeth, and maybe even locusts...well one of guides, Lily, had something stronger than any and all of these biblical like plagues...a candy offer! She promised both our girls that if they didn't cry they could have a piece of candy...not one tear, not one sound...nothing! It was awesome...and afterwards the girls would puff up and show us their scab like a badge of honor...they did really, really well.
Back in the room after a late lunch...we had our tea party set up and our magnidoodles a blazing. The picture Maggie is showing you is Meritt's offering of Marshall...Maggie asked her to draw him! They LOVE to look through the photo album Meritt sent them in their care packages so many months ago. They know every inch of it and have already picked out which bed is theirs in the picture of their room. When they get to the pictures of Mable, they hug and pet the photo album...not sure they fully comprehend what Mable will be bringing to our household circus...but, Meritt has done a wonderful job of preparing them as best one can.
A picture of the lobby of The Garden Hotel...it is WAY nice, and the room is spacious and feels comfortable (notwithstanding the fact that dad is on the roll-away). The best part of the room is the bathroom...in particular the shower / bathtub combo. It is not what you are thinking...picture a full-size shower (tile floors and walls and all) PLUS a full-size bathtub all in one enclosure. Meritt is able to take a shower...while the girls are in the bathtub right next to her. Throw water from the tub? No problem goes down the shower drain! Sorry to go on and on...but it is a really smart set-up that is very practical.
We had a very nice dinner with the other three couples in our "adoption group"...one from Decatur, AL (Tide fans!), one from Douglasville, GA (a bedroom community of Atlanta), and one from Pennsylvania who adopted a little girls from Outer-Mongolia! Very nice folks...not so nice dinner. It was a lukewarm attempt at Thai food...and was okay but we will not be returning.
Today was a good day...we had two throw-up episodes, two sets of runs, a really large and smelly poop (again we think due to the apple/pear fruit thing), spent two hours in the clinic being shuttled from room to room while various doctors poked and prodded on the girls...all while not understanding a word that was being said.
But...then there were the smiles...and the giggles...and the play-time in the room (mostly with Meritt today as I was in charge of finalizing our paperwork)...and best of all the calls for mama and baba to come see this or to help with that or to have them share their gum with you or watch and smile at photos while you update the blog. It was a very good day!
Tomorrow we visit the shops (oh boy)...as we have no official duties until Monday when we go back to the clinic to read our TB tests!
We are so looking forward to seeing you all very soon!
Your hotel sounds like the one we were in in Shanghai. We could have slept a family in it. The girls are doing so well and we cannot wait to see them. They are going definitely going to need something Bama to wear! It is never too early to Roll with the Tide. Went to a luncheon yesterday for MaryBeth at Aunt Carlene's. All your aunts said how much they enjoyed your blog. Take care and enjoy the rest of your stay. Love to all, Grandmom & Papa.
ReplyDeleteI teared up reading about them knowing every picture in the photo album y'all sent them and wanting Meritt to draw Marshall and petting the picture of Mabel and choosing their beds--it makes it seem so REAL--they're actually going to live here and grow up here!! Y'all's house is their HOME. And it's so precious to know they're so excited about their new home. I saw everything set up for them when I was at y'all's house the other night, and I had so much fun imagining their emotions when they see that beautiful room--with all the tu-tu's and the flower bedspreads and the stuffed animals and all their little clothes; it's so exciting! And there are so many fun toys in that attic room as well; I keep thinking about how this is like in Annie, where she is wow-ed by all the amazing things she gets when she's adopted; and it helps me picture a little bit of what it looks like/means when God says since we have been adopted, we are now "heirs" with Christ in an inheretance from him. God is good! And I can't WAIT to meet these precious little girls!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning...things seem to be moving along well. "The girls made me smile as always. Hope you all have a good day..I will surely keep you in my prayers., Huggs to all....Bridgette
ReplyDeleteSo sorry but cannot help but laugh about the way Mike told the story of the puking and the runs!! Coming from someone who gets car/bus sick, go to the drug store and get Mary Henley some sea sick bands. They are these elastic bans with these pressure point things that you wear on each wrist and I swear, I do not know how they work but they work!! They are cheap too!! They should be in the area with the dramamine. I have confidence that they will enable Merrit to get rid of the little pink bags!! Here's hoping the apple/pear fruit thing does not hit Mike BUT you might want to get some immodium when you go to the drug store just in case!! You know how when you go to Mexico and you don't drink the water, apparently when you go to China you don't eat the apple/pear fruit thing!! Lesson learned!!