Journey To China

Travel with us as we journey to China to meet and bring home Margaret Virginia Mei (Maggie) and Mary Henley Yi (Mary Henley). We will document our travel via this blog site...we hope you enjoy keeping up with the Seven Sims!

Mark 9:36 - He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, "Whoever welcomes one of these little ones in my name, welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me."

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Visit to Mary Henley's Orphanage

 This is Mary Henley's Orphanage in central Hefei
 We got to meet her Kindergarten class and teachers...they were very excited to see her!  No heat in the rooms, which is why the kids are dressed in heavy coats and hats.  Very kind people...very sad conditions
 Mary Henley passing out lollipops to the kids in the building where she lived.  She had them all line up against the wall and handed them out one-by-one.  Her caregivers shared with us that she often helped them keep the kids in line and was their best leader!
 Mary Henley with her best friend Hitay...we think she is to be adopted in February by a family from Italy.  Very cute.
 Meritt and Mary Henley's "grandmother" from Half The Sky.  Mary Henley spent a lot of time with her each day.
 Meritt and Mary Henley in the sleeping room and her bed.
Military Hospital around the corner from where Mary Henley was found.  She was diagnosed with her heart condition at this hospital when she was 2 months old.

What an emotional day for all of us.  Mary Henley was very excited to see her friends and was heart-wrenching to see all of these little kids living in such conditions, but at the same time it was incredibly humbling to meet the ladies who provide for and love on these little ones each day.  I can only imagine the emotions that they experience...I hope they are filled with joy when a day like today happens.  They were incredibly gracious and supportive as they walked us to the car and said goodbye to Mary Henley.  They are absolutely the hands of God.


  1. Good morning guys - Half the Sky - what a wonderful bunch of folks, our last adoption was a HOS guy! We too visited our kids SWI's - we felt it was important for them and us to be there together one last time - and at least for our middle adopted daughter it was a HUGE turning point, from there on she seemed to know that she was with us forever! Much emotion on all parts there too...

    Great joy for you guys - looking forward to the rest of your journey!

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. How wonderful these people are bringing love to these adorable children. Know that God blesses them each and every day for all that they do.

  3. this part is important for you guys and MH....a piece of her life that you can now share with her when she gets older....God bless you guys and all those precious children who are still waiting and DESERVE mama & bah bah's.

    MH is beautiful! what a blessing


  4. WOW! I cannot find the words to describe my emotions, but I am filled with hope for the children, knowing God has guided you and so many others to open their hearts and families to these children. God Bless you and those caregivers!

  5. this was absolutely the hardest part. just further confirmation you are doing what God has designed more of us to do. love the pictures of MH passing out the (organic) lollipops -- seriously if her little friend (she is hugging in the picture) isn't placed, tell them we'll be on our way...

  6. I'm in tears, both of joy and sadness. Thank you for sharing this journey with us and for allowing us to participate through prayer. Much love to ya'll. Can't wait to meet the sweet girls when you get home.

  7. Oh so happy for u guys in tears of joy and saddens but I'm glad you got her safe now when can we see her tell her that Anna her cousin loves her and can't wait to see them!!!!!!!

  8. I finally learned how to comment on this! LOVE every moment of it. They are precious, Merrit and Mike... perfect and precious. Thanks for sharing the stories and all the pictures!!! Thinking of you constantly and countding down the minutes for you to touch down in Atlanta!!!

  9. Hi, I googled Hefei CWI and found your blog. Oh my goodness! That little girl in the picture hugging your daughter Mary is our girl!!! We have been working since July to bring her home to Louisiana! Your girls are just adorable, Congratulations!!! We should travel this summer, hopefully June, to go get her. I would love to keep in touch and maybe have the girls meet up again sometime. Feel free to email me

  10. Congratulations on your girls. I had googled Hefei CWI and found your blog. We adopted our son from Hefei in 2010. He is 4 years old. The little boy wearing the brown coat in the kindergarten picture was in my sons preschool class. If you would like I can send you some pictures from our visit to the Hefei CWI and you can see if your daughter is in any of them. E-mail me at
